Our Meet & Greet Roundtable session takes place on May 1st, 2025. Each table will have one Corporate Host.

– Suppliers select a table to sit at to meet the corporation.

– Prepare and practice your 60 second pitch to introduce your company, then allow for discussion with Q&A.

– You are welcome to bring your one page capabilities statement, but they are not required.

– Bring business cards to exchange. We also recommend putting one on the back of your conference badge, so others can take a photo of it. 

– Create a target list BUT be opened to meeting other corporations. You never know when an unexpected connection can lead to opportunities! Supplier to Supplier connections matter just as much as Supplier to Corporation. 

– Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up to date as many attendees use that to make connections also.

– Each round will be approximately 20 minutes. The host will then announce it is time to rotate at that time Suppliers select the next table to visit. If more than one person per company is attending we recommend that you each sit at different tables.


List of companies coming soon.