Our Member only webinars provide access to uniquely relevant content that help suppliers and corporations better partner together. Whether best practices from corporation perspectives, or tips/tricks for winning that next RFP, these digital programs allow our members across the country to gain new insights that can benefit their businesses.

UPCOMING WEBINARS – Dates to be announced once finalized.


Have you presented a fantastic webinar that you’d like to share with our audience?

Do you have an idea for a webinar that would be appropriate for our community?

Would you like to share your knowledge in a particular subject area? If so, we invite you to send your Webinar Proposal to [email protected].


DA4S offers many virtual webinars each year on a range of topics that our members can relate to and learn from. Education is key! The information provided below is intended to serve as a guide to our Webinar Proposals.


Most of our webinars have a running time of 60 minutes and involve one to two speakers. On occasion, we also host webinars that are 75 minutes long and feature 3-5 presenters representing different perspectives and cover complementary aspects of a given topic. We are accepting proposals for both types of format/duration.

  • If you would like to present a 60-minute webinar: Your estimated presentation time is around 45 minutes with the remaining time spent on introductions and Q&A. Please submit a proposal for a topic you can adequately cover in this amount of time.
  • If you would like to co-present with three or more other speakers (75-minute webinar): The estimated total presentation time is around 55 minutes with the remaining time spent on introductions and Q&A. Please submit a proposal for a topic that all presenters can adequately and comfortably cover in this amount of time, and indicate all presenters’ names in the proposal, if applicable.
  • Along with your proposal please include the following:
    • Narrative overview of webinar
    • List of webinar objectives (in bullet points)
    • Benefits of Webinar Participation (Describe what participants will learn)


If your proposal is selected, each presenter will be expected to:

  • Provide a short biography and separate high-resolution professional photo/head shot to be used for marketing purposes. Do not embed your photo in your bio.
  • Provide your company logo in a vector/.eps file.
  • Develop a professional and compelling presentation slide deck to be used for the visual component of the webinar. Presentation deck must be submitted 5 business days prior to webinar.
  • Participate in at least one rehearsal to familiarize themselves with the technology we’ll be using and coordinate with other presenters.
  • Announce the webinar thru their social media channels using hashtag #DA4S and tagging Diversity Alliance for Science.


  • Provide the technology and infrastructure to advertise the webinar, handle webinar registration, produce the webinar and host the recorded webinar.
  • Promote the webinar to the Members of DA4S and announce the webinar thru our social media channels.
  • Track webinar registrations and provide participants with all the information necessary to access the webinar.
  • Train the presenter(s) on how to use the webinar platform and assist with the entire live webinar presentation.
  • Moderate the webinar. This includes formally introducing the presenters and facilitating any Q&A and/or live polling.
  • Conduct a survey at the end of the webinar and share survey results with presenter within 21 business days following the webinar.
  • All webinars are scheduled at the discretion and approval of DA4S. We also reserve the right to cancel or reschedule a webinar at anytime at our sole discretion.


  • Webinar proposals can be submitted throughout the year.
  • DA4S selects and calendars webinars 6-12 months in advance.
  • Once we have webinars confirmed for the year – we do accept proposals throughout the year in case we have to reschedule confirmed webinars and if an opening becomes available then we review webinar proposals received to select webinars
  • We do our best to calendar all webinars proposed and accepted within the same calendar year however there are no guarantees.
  • The webinar committee meets in Q4 to finalize webinars for the upcoming year so we do encourage you to submit your proposal no later than October 1st of each year.